
Debra Whelan’s portrait perfectly captures the look and spirit of Portia. It is a beautiful reminder of a beloved pet.

— Sue Kies

Debra utilized her exceptional technical skills to create a digital portrait that exhibits her beautiful talent! Thank you.

— Susan Paul

I contacted Debra to create a memorial portrait in memory of a dear friend. She took the time to really listen to my vision I was looking for and to learn about my friend. What she created was absolutely stunning. Her work is so beautiful, it comes completely from her heart. The colors and the light she used, and the way she brought this art to life was incredible. This painting will always be treasured and bring warm memories.

— Allison Ebner

I commissioned Deb Whelan to do a painting for me last year for a friend who had recently lost her mother. I knew how attached she was to the family dog so thought this painting would be a very special gift.

It proved to be beyond my expectations. Deb was able to perfectly re-create the colors, manner, and personality of the family fur-baby. My friend was overwhelmed with the painting and artistry shown on the canvas.

Deb is such a talented person. It is an honor to celebrate her artistry and creativity. ❤

— Julie Bolen

I’ve admired Debra Whelan’s artwork for years. I have found that whatever media she works in, she masters it beautifully. I am now thrilled to have one of her creations. When I shared my thoughts with her as to what I was looking for, she obviously attentively and sensitively listened…because when she showed me several ideas for me to choose from, I was flabbergasted. Each of her creations were so fantastic, I had a difficult time choosing.

Seeing the end result of the artwork she created for me, gave me chills. I became so excited that I felt like a kid on Christmas morning with enthusiasm. I couldn’t believe that this gorgeous piece of art would be mine. The colors, the message conveyed, was spot on. What she created for me was better than I ever dreamed of and exceeded beyond my expectations. Thank you, Debra!

— Cynthia Johnkins

Debra Whelan is not only one of the most skilled artists I know, but she’s extremely generous with her knowledge and very encouraging to me and many other artists. I consider her a very dear friend, and whenever I look at the beautiful artwork we purchased it’s a precious reminder of her!

— Kathy Rupff

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